The Timothys

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Birthday surprise

Brice surprised me with a bike and trailer for my bday. but not just that but he totally took me by surprise in getting it to me. my friend rachel was in on it too. months earlier he wrote all my family and got everyone to go in on the gift. my in laws had bought me the trailer and hid it in their car when they came up to visit a few months ago. brice stored it at rachels. then rach wanted to take me to lunch but really came to bring the trailer, dropped the keys for her car in the flower basket outside our door. she text him while we were walking to lunch. i had no clue. a few other things happened where i almost didnt go to lunch, i was going to meet rach in orem, rach made up a story to her out to eagle mt instead ect..

meanwhile brice never got the text about where the keys are but figured it out, got it all  set up, with both his parents and mine on facetime so they could see my surprise when i walked in. so when rach asked she could have a drink she walked in with me and i saw it all there. i was totally surprised. i couldnt believe that they had tricked me so much and i never caught on!

Trying out the new bike

Cade loves it. he never cries or makes any fuss.  he still a little young for it so we dont go very long and go really carefully

1 comment:

  1. Yea for your new bike! We'll have to go riding some time. (I love biking, but Matt hates bikes. Needless to say, I haven't been on any rides since I got married.) :)
