The Timothys

Thursday, October 18, 2012

More of what weve been up to

we have been up to a few more fun things i want to blog about. life has been so busy, crazy, fun, demanding, exciting, and stressful this last year. and i dont think its slowing down anytime soon.

having a baby changes your world just like people say. teaching really did help me transition to motherhood in that there is never really a complete mental, emotional break. they are both pretty emotionally, mentally, and physically demanding. in both jobs i always felt/feel like i am on the go with an occasional break here and there. being a mom is the best. its not always easy or glamorous like you see in the magazine with a beautiful mom and her sleeping baby but it is the most beautiful blessing and miracle that is so perfect in its own imperfect way.

we love cade so much. i never could have imagined how much love and fierce protection you feel as a mother. i love being home with cade more than i can say. it makes me so happy to be his mom and i really feel that i am in the right place, doing what im meant to do. its a good feeling.

K here are some pictures to highlight the past few weeks.
This is a sad picture but it shows how bad it was when he was sick.  :( 

Still loving his bath and now his bath toys. you like how the toys are placed just right?? ahah he LOVES to kick. Sometimes after the bath i am so wet i need to change

Mommy and Cade. Our nightly activity. I always sing the baby turtle song and he plays with his toys and kicks while i clean him up. then massage, pjs, and off to bed. he does so awesome with his bed time routine. I've been so proud of him. every night he is asleep by 7:30 with very little hassle at all. 

I was making mac and cheese one day and he wanted my box so instead i gave him another one we had and let him play with it. he thought it was pretty interesting. 


His first ever project! its a ghost if you cant tell made from the print of his foot. he was so serious and still when he had his foot painted. it was too cute. 

Jackie and Julianne came to visit. Jackie got him this adorable finger puppet owl book. he loves it and just stares at the little wiggling owl. 

too cute. jackie and cade.

aww. love. julianne and cade. 

one of my favorite ones. 

mommy and cade. probably one of the best pictures i have of us so far. with brice being gone so much i really dont have very many pictures of just us so this is very special to me. 

cute boy

k scary picture of me but this is the only pic of us on our road trip to ca for ben and sarahs wedding. 16 hrs in the car is a long time when all you can see is me and the sky and whatever toys you have. but he did good and we made it home in one piece.
Oh man that reminds me, i wanted to tell a story about when we were in ca. we were rushed to go to the luncheon and i took the smaller baby bag with me not realizing that the last two diapers were already used earlier in the day. since i hadn't changed him those last two times, it didnt register to put more in and i didn't even think to check. well he had a HUGE blow out. the woman's bathroom family stall wasnt working so Brice had to go in the mens to do it. meanwhile im outside waiting when i hear brice and he tells me there are no diapers. i look in and he has got poop EVERYwhere. all over his legs, the diaper mat, his clothes. his brother mark manned the door while brice and i did clean up, gave him a little bath in the sink, and got a diaper from kelly. man did i feel like a failure of a mom. but lesson learned. and we made it through, barely. now looking back it is funny. but it was super frustrating during it.

ill blog about the wedding next!! :)


  1. I always tend to run out of diapers at dr appointments (with our new baby we typically need 2-3 and I typically have one less than we needed...) That makes for feeling like a bad mom too ;). I don't like when the diaper bag isn't stocked like I think it should be!

  2. I have had the no diaper in the bag happen so many times. I now keep diapers in the car, just in case. :) Cade is such a cutie! Miss seeing you.
