The Timothys

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Feeding my Family

A few months back I found this website all about eating a plant based diet and cutting out completely anything processed.  It had some great ideas and I loved the idea( I was on a serious kick for about 2-3 weeks. I avoided refined sugars, made my own homemade bread, tortillas and made our meals from scratch. We even bought a quarter of a 'happy cow' that was free range grass fed.

But then I just started getting worn down. It was hard to always make things homemade, I didn't enjoy spending too much time in the kitchen cooking and cleaning, and I didn't like having to be super prepared all the time. The food sometimes was good and sometimes it was disappointing as I tried different vegetarian meals. In some ways it helped me keep to my weekly budget..cutting out some boxed food and making things myself made it cheaper too...but it was hard when it came to the end of the week and I started to run out of produce. 

Brice talked to me about eating healthier lunches again. Because he sits so much for work and school he was just feeling so gross and wanted to start eating little healthy snacks through out the day and a light lunch. Im so glad he said something because it has me back on the healthy wagon and motivated me to start finding new salads and homemade dressings. 

Im amazed at people who can make things up when they cook! I am learning more and more each day, what I like and what works for me. No processed food at ALL does not work for me. Eating junk does not work for me either. I want to feed my family healthy meals but tasty and satisfying food too. Making meals for my family needs to be efficient and worth my time to make it...especially if it takes a little more prep.  

Learning how to realistically feed my family in a way that makes us happy and feel good is another part in creating our home. Struggling with getting Cade to eat solid foods has reminded me that I want him to start off right and eat and love healthy food, but it has to start with me. 


  1. It is hard to make things from scratch all the time. I love buying the bread and tortillas from Bountiful Baskets because they aren't overly expensive and pretty much not filled with a lot of added junk (like most bread in the stores have high fructose corn syrup.)
    Another thing I just wanted to mention is that I recently watched a video that my friend linked to here: (Basically I was too lazy to find the real link to it ;). It really opened my eyes to the fact that even 'healthy' foods aren't necessarily healthy and gave me foods to avoid in future.
    It can be hard to eat healthy, but it is definitely not more expensive, just takes a bit more planning and usually more prep time. I also have a food blog (that I'm sorely neglecting right now) but it has some (not all of the recipes) healthy recipes on it and some great vegetarian ones.
    Good luck in your quest to eat healthier!

  2. Awesome!! Thanks so much for the links! Cant wait to check out the links and Ill add you to my blog list. What a great idea to buy bread and tortillas from Bountiful Baskets. It is crazy when you start reading labels what is really in the stuff you are eating. You are exactly right! It advertises that is all healthy but really it isnt. I just bought these granola bars that says no preservatives on the outside and they are delicious of course...but have corn syrup and sugar!! I might as well be eating a candy bar almost haahha Thanks again for your comments! :)

  3. I had a health scare this week and I promised myself to eat a lot more healthy. Thank you for sharing this, I loved it and can't wait to share healthy recipes.

  4. Thanks Mable!! You are so great for reading it! yes cant wait to hear what you find!! You got start somewhere right?? :) Thats what I keep telling myself.
