The Timothys

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Day 14: Bumper Bikes

Today was full and satisfying. I feel like Im finally in a place where Im thriving most days not just surviving.  Levi stopped nursing completely last month and we pretty much all sleep through the night. Except Ryan will still come into my room once a night...most nights lately.  One of my favorite things I pulled out last minute to do with him today is this craft...

He was so focused on gluing and choosing which 'treasures' he wanted to put on his paper. I never did school things so consistently with Cade like I have been able to with Ryan and Im just glad that I have the energy, time and desire to do it now. It really feel like Ive accomplished something and I like that. Its so cute to see little Levi get in on it too and he will do the actions to the 'Chicka Chicka Boom Boom' Book and the '5 Little Monkey' song. He loves putting his hands together like the alligator and then slaps his hands together to snatch the monkeys out of the tree. Its so cute. 

One of my boys favorite things to do is play outside with our little neighbors girl and they had so much today riding bikes and chasing each other. I captured a few pictures of their fun time. 

Ryan pushed himself along Flintstone style trying to get on their tail and they all thought it was pretty funny. Im so grateful for good neighbors and friends! 


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