The Timothys

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Day 20: Sweet Home Alabama

Im going to really miss it here when we move.  I love the possibilities of this place, the warmth, the beautiful beaches, our house, and the people Ive met. I love the green everywhere and the trees. I love that our backyard faces a forest of trees. 

I love the military community. It really is something special. It has a similar feeling to maybe a college community. Theres a lot of activity, we are all in similar situations, and people are active and wanting to make friends. The ladies I have met are so strong and are eager to help. They know what it feels like to have your husband gone...the loneliness and long days and the stress of moving and traveling and being homeless. We have all been there. Theres a moving truck often on our street. Some one coming, someone going. 

Im so happy we have come this year gone and we have passed all the bigger landmarks...I wouldnt want to do it again but its been good and I will leave stronger and maybe a little wiser then when I came. Each person that has touched my life has left me with something special. Its hard to put into words but we really do effect each other in such subtle ways and slowly you change and you cant imagine never meeting that person and you are so glad you did. 

Much love, 

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