The Timothys

Monday, September 12, 2016

Day 5: Thank you!

I am just so grateful for all of you who read my posts and made such kind brave comments and who wrote me privately! I have been worried to check all day because I was feeling not as brave today and I worried about what I wrote. Im so human. But thank you so much! Thank you so much for being so kind! It means so much and gives me such courage to share and write.  I feel for everyone of you who shared that you also deal with anxiety! It so nice to know really how normal we all are :) I will write an update with my anxiety soon. 

Today a friend made me homemade chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles even and banana muffins for dinner. I was so grateful!! I could have mustered up some energy to make something and then clean it all up but what a relief it was that I didnt have to!! It was so good. It felt like I was being taken care of. It was so warm and comforting and delicious. Brice still wasnt home from work and so I gave the boys their dinner and they happily ate it. I sat down at the table and ate my soup and I thought, Angela you are an angel. Sometimes we dont even realize how the smallest things can mean so much. We dont even realize how much we need something until someone gives us that one thing our soul yearns for. 

Much Love, 

"I really, really think the secret to being loved is to love. I really, really think the secret to being interesting is to be interested. And the secret to having a friend is being a friend.
But that’s a risk right? To openly like someone? To admit to someone: I like you. I’d like to spend time with you today. It’s to risk rejection. It’s vulnerability. It’s brave.
Be brave. Like somebody."

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